This Blog is intended to help me maintain focus on keeping BJJ in balance with my Kids, Job, Hobbies, and Financial Obligations; in general My Life outside the Academy; to Continually Grow as a BJJ Practitioner and Training Partner; to help me stay true to the principal of staying positive and healthy, and staying away from Politics, and Gossip; and Last, though certainly not least; to ROLL!


As I have kept numerous journals over my BJJ Career, you will notice that this Blog may not seem chronological. Though that is in my opinion the beauty of keeping a BJJ Journal. Just because I wrote it down on a specific day, doesn't mean that I fully understood it at that time, or that my understanding of it at that time could not be reviewed and improved upon as my journey continues.

So please bear with me; as you may see things that are years old, or it may be the most recent occurrence.

Regardless, whatever is posted has relevance to me at the time of the posting, whether in review, reassessing or revising.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Some of My Favorite Inspirational Quotes

The important thing is to not stop questioning. -- Albert Einstein

An error can never become true however many times you repeat it. The truth can never be wrong, even if no one hears it. --Mahatma Gandhi.

Failure is taking the path that everyone else does, success is making your own path. --Unknown

People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. --Unknown

Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up --The Reverend Jesse Jackson

If you don't run your own life, somebody else will. --John Atkinson

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference. --Unknown

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